
Regione Emilia-RomaniaThe region of Emilia-Romagna (Italy) has joined the consortium since September 2018, via its Service of programming for educational, training and labour policies and for work and workplaces knowledge.

This partnership proves the relevance of the topics addressed by the project in order to build adequate labour policies for domestic workers. The timing of this entrance of the Italian region in the consortium corresponds furthermore to the launching of the policy visits, in which the presence of labour and training authorities are very appreciated and necessary so that the promoted ideas can fully be considered in the setup of future policies.


ANCLANCL, single trade union gathering Italian consultants, experts in accounting and labour law, has for its part entered the consortium PRODOME at the beginning of November 2018. This union follows the strong interest that the organisation was already showing for the project; ANCL has indeed presented the project on several occasions during events or discussions about the future of labour. It is also worth mentioning that the association is represented throughout almost the whole Italian territory thanks to 92 provincial unions in 20 regions of the country, which enables it to benefit from a broad network, good news for the consortium that is now a part of it.


FUNDAEIn December 2018 the National foundation for training and employment – FUNDAE expresed its full interest in the project objectives.

FUNDAE is a tripartite organisation representing the public administration, trade unions and employer organisations. Its main mission is to promote the enhancement of skills of the professionals in line with the changes of the labour market and the different economic sectors, while facilitating the access to a free and quality training for employees and job seekers.

Thus, this new associated partner will definitely bring a good advantage to the process of achieving the project’s goals.